The Large Hadron Collider
  1. A Large Hadron Collider in the LEP Tunnel?

    CERN and the European Committee for Future…

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  2. US president announces support for Superconducting Super Collider

    With US President Ronald Reagan’s support,…

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  3. ATLAS and CMS collaborations publish letters of intent

    The Toroidal LHC Apparatus collaboration propose…

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  4. ALICE collaboration publishes letter of intent

    The collaboration for A Large Ion Collider…

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  5. Superconducting Super Collider project cancelled

    Due to concerns linked to rising costs, the US…

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  6. 10-metre magnet prototype achieves 8.73 Tesla

    The first prototype bending-magnet for the LHC…

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  7. LHC construction approved

    The CERN council approves the construction of the…

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  8. Japan admitted as CERN observer state

    The CERN Council admits Japan as an observer…

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  9. LHC Conceptual Design Report published

    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) project is…

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  10. CMS and ATLAS experiments approved

    Four years after the first technical proposals,…

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  11. ALICE experiment approved

    The CERN research board officially approves…

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  12. TOTEM collaboration publishes letter of intent

    The Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering…

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  13. United States admitted as CERN observer state

    At the December session of the CERN council,…

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  14. MoEDAL collaboration publishes letter of intent

    The Monopole and Exotics Detector at the LHC…

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  15. Gallo-Roman ruins discovered at CMS dig site

    As construction workers are preparing the work…

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  16. LHCb experiment approved

    LHCb is the fourth experiment approved for the…

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  17. Final excavation of the ATLAS cavern

    A digger removes the final sods of earth from the…

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  18. Reinforcing the ATLAS cavern floor

    Construction workers use a modified cement truck…

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  19. ATLAS cavern inaugurated

    After three years of work, the ATLAS detector…

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  20. LHCf submits letter of intent

    The LHC forward collaboration proposes to build…

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  21. CMS cavern inaugurated

    After six and a half years of work, CERN leaders…

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  22. Last LHC dipole magnet goes underground

    The last superconducting magnet is lowered down…

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  23. Final large detector piece lowered into ATLAS cavern

    A component known as a small wheel is the last…

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  24. Final large detector piece lowered into CMS cavern

    The pixel detector barrel is the last large piece…

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  25. The LHC starts up

    At 10.28am on 10 September 2008 a beam of protons…

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  26. Incident at the LHC

    On 19 September 2008, during powering tests of…

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  27. Inauguration of the LHC

    In line with Japanese tradition, this Daruma doll…

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  28. Final magnet goes underground after LHC repair

    The 53rd and final replacement magnet for the…

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  29. Beams back in the LHC

    From a CERN press release, dated 20 November 2009…

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  30. The LHC is put into standby mode

    On 16 December 2009, the LHC ends its first full…

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  31. The LHC starts again after a short technical stop

    After a short technical stop, beams circulate…

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  32. First LHC collisions at 7 TeV

    ATLAS records collisions at 7 TeV centre-of-mass…

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  33. LHC proton run for 2011 reaches successful conclusion

    On 18 October 2011, the grand total of data…

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  34. Tantalising hints of the Higgs

    In a seminar today the ATLAS and CMS experiments…

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  35. Record collision energy of 8TeV

    (image: event recorded with the CMS detector in…

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  36. ATLAS and CMS observe a particle consistent with the Higgs boson

    On 4 July 2012, as a curtain raiser to the year…

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  37. End of LHC Run 1: First shutdown begins

    On Saturday 16 February at 8.25am the shift crew…

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  38. François Englert and Peter W. Higgs awarded 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics

    François Englert (left) and Peter Higgs at CERN…

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  39. CERN’s Large Hadron Collider gears up for run 2

    Run 2 of the LHC follows a 2-year technical stop…

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  40. CMS and LHCb experiments reveal decay of the B0s particle into two muon particles

    Published in Nature, the CMS and LHCb…

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  41. LHC experiments back in business at record energy of 13 TeV

    From an update on the CERN website:  The…

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  42. Magnetic monopoles and dipoles
    Magnetic monopoles and dipoles (Image: CERN) (Image: CERN)

    The LHC MoEDAL experiment publishes its first paper on its search for magnetic monopoles

    In a paper published by the journal JHEP,…

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  43. Enhanced production of multi-strange hadrons in high-multiplicity proton-proton collisions in ALICE experiment
    As the number of particles produced in proton collisions (the blue lines) increase, the more of these so-called strange hadrons are seen (as shown by the red squares in the graph). (Image: CERN) (Image: CERN)

    ALICE experiment results show novel phenomena in proton collisions

    In a paper published in Nature Physics, the…

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  44. The LHCb experiment is charmed to announce observation of a new particle with two heavy quarks

    At the EPS Conference on High Energy Physics in…

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